Gardeners living near populations of deer face a frustrating issue. Even though the only surefire way to keep deer from a garden would be to set up a fence, some hesitate to do so. Fences are an investment, require maintenance, and some might find them to be an eyesore. Before installing this kind of obvious border around your garden, then investigate the potential for a pure border made of flowers and aromatic herbs, designed to repel deer from your crops and flowers.
Aromatic herbs such as thyme (Thymus spp.) , mint (Mentha spp.) , rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), oregano (Origanum spp.) , dill (Anethumus graveolens), and chives (Allium spp.) Are usually grown for their culinary uses, since humans enjoy their taste and scent. Luckily, deer are known to dislike the two aspects of the plants. Grown in abundance in a boundary around your deer-desirable crops, then you might manage to successfully deter deer from your premises.
Lavender (Lavendula spp.) and artemisia (Artemisia spp.) Are blooms reputed to repel deer. The aromatic qualities of the blossoms are unappealing sufficient to deer they will actively avoid a property where these blooms are grown. Grow these blooms in a sunny spot, in well-draining dirt, and set them one of repellent herbs to create them doubly effective.
What Not To Plant
Some plants are more attractive to deer than others. To add to the effectiveness of your deer-resistant border, avoid those kinds of plants that will attract deer to your lawn. This includes fruit trees such as pears, apples, plums, citrus and cherry; and berry shrubs such as serviceberries, strawberries and blueberries. Some timeless garden favorites such as azaleas, rhododendrons and hydrangeas are known to be vulnerable to deer and might suffer damage.
Other Approaches
During desperate times, when deer populations are high and food will be scarce, deer might develop a tolerance for the unwanted plants grown in your premises. When this happens, use different procedures of deer deterrent in tandem with your specially chosen crops. Commercial repellents are available at nurseries and garden centers, and might vary in results. Human hair included in cheese cloth or cotton baggies, hung from nearby shrubs and trees, may also keep away deer. A controlled dog in your property will also help keep deer off.